Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Questions That May Come Up During A Web Development Project

Choosing to have some web development work completed for your company is not a decision that should be made lightly - this can prove to be a highly expensive investment and, if something goes wrong, you could be out even more than time and money. This is why, during the process, a number of questions will arise that you need to answer as truthfully and accurately as possible to ensure that you get the best experience possible.

When choosing the web development team that you would like to take on your project, you will have to answer a number of questions:

What kind of services will the team offer you? If you are after additional services, such as design, content writing and marketing, you should look for a team that can offer you all these, too. When do you need the work completed by? This will give you a good idea of whether the chosen web development team will be able to complete the project in time or not. How fast do they respond for technical support? When the website is for your business, making sure that it is always up and running properly should be your primary concern. How much can you afford to spend? This way, when the development team quotes you a price for your project, you will know whether you can sign on or you need to keep looking.

Once you have signed on with a web development company, it is likely that they will ask you most (if not all) of the questions outlined below before commencing work on your project:

What is the main purpose of your website? This will give the team some sort of direction that they should be moving in. Who are your site visitors? This will play a large role in how the navigation is designed, as user friendliness is key here. Who will maintain the website? Some clients are comfortable enough to do this themselves, whereas other will want their developers to do this for them. Who is your web host? The development team will need to work with your host to get your website up and running.

Answering these questions will be highly important in ensuring that your web development project goes smoothly. If possible, have a think about how you would answer each of these questions before going in to meet with your development company, as this will ensure that you cover everything that you want to and that your answers are well thought out and concise.

Using Boonex Dolphin Software for Social Media Website Development Solutions   Customizing Websites Made Possible Only By WordPress Development   Using Content Management System for Business Growth   Services Offered in Custom Web Development   

How To Make A Custom Website Affordable

Oftentimes, website designers will offer extremely professional websites to their past, present and future clients. These websites will be 100% customized, designed from the ground up. They won't be templated websites. They won't be pre-existing or copied websites. They will be truly customized, unique, original, one-of-a-kind websites. Of course, this type of website takes time to build. It takes time to prepare, plan and come up with the ideas and research required to put together such a unique website. And with time, takes money (time is money). The price tag for a customized website could easily run in the thousands of dollars or higher. And these days, competition is extremely fierce. Large website companies offer websites for pennies per month. So, what's the best way to work with clients looking for a custom website design?

Tip #1 - Find Out Your Clients Expectations - And Exceed Them! First things first: You'll want to find out your client's expectations, and exceed them. This doesn't mean to ask your client, "When would you like the site to be done", and then completing the site a day in advance. Finding out your client's expectations essentially means you'll need to take the time and research your client's niche. You'll need to figure out how competing sites rank, as well as how your client's website will differ from all of the competition. By researching your client's competition, you can strategically give your client higher than expected expectations.

Believe it or not, many clients DO NOT HAVE ANY EXPECTATIONS. "How is this possible" you ask? Well it's true! Lots of potential website owners do not know what they want out of their website. The only thing they know, is that they want an online presence. Since most clients are not as knowledgeable as those in the design and programming industry, they do not realize what it takes to rank in search engines. They do not realize what it takes to develop and customize a website. They only know what they want to know, and what they've taken the time to research - which is often very little. So, by determining what your client knows, and figuring out their expectations, you can easily create a plan of action that will easily exceed their expectations. You can exceed your client's expectations by giving them information they didn't know, and by telling them what you will do for their website to help them rank better and higher than the competition in their specific niche.

Tip #2 - If Your Client Has Questions, Answer Them All! Many clients want information. They want answers to their questions. They do not want to be left in the dark. They want to know that you indeed know what you are doing, and that you are trustworthy and reliable enough to be assigned their project.

Because there are so many facets to custom website design, many clients will be overwhelmed with the thought of it, and they will not know the best questions to ask. This is there you step in as the professional website designer to shed some much needed light on the situation.

For example, your client may ask a question such as, "How can I make changes to the website myself?" This is typically a question every client wants to know. However, depending on the client and their particular niche, your answer may vary from client to client. Lets say your client wants an e-commerce store, and you're building it from the ground up. You'll want to explain to your client that, since you're building their custom e-commerce store from the ground up, you'll be able to create a completely custom administrative back-end interface where they'll be able to securely log in with a username and password to modify the contents of their website. You'll want to make your client aware that the process of updating their own site will be as simple and as easily as possible. You DO NOT want to intimidate or worry your client into thinking there will be a high learning curve involved! Also, stay true to your words. If you tell your client that it'll be a piece of cake to update their own website, be sure to make it a piece of cake to update! Don't tell them one thing, and end up designing something completely different. This takes away from your credibility as a custom website designer and puts you at high risk of losing your current client, as well as any future business. Overall, you'll simply want to break it down for your client by ensuring their knowledge and understanding of what's to come. And even though custom website designers have plenty of technical terminology to describe our practices and techniques, it's always best to keep it simple. Clients rarely understand acronyms like "CMS", "CSS" or "CRON" Job. So, save yourself some time and leave specialty terms out of the conversation. Using simple explanations will guarantee you and your client are on the same page.

Tip #3 - Work With Your Clients To Make It Affordable! One thing is for sure, no one wants to feel like they're being used. This is especially true for clients. Clients do not want to feel like they're being overcharged or misled. They do not want to feel taken advantage of. So, why would you use, mislead or overcharge a client? You wouldn't! You'll do everything in your power to give your client a fair price. You'll answer all their questions and you won't take advantage of them. Because after all, this is your business, and you take your business very seriously.

By working with clients to make their custom website affordable, you're simply being a good designer. Having an awesome client/designer relationship is one of the most important factors when it comes to this industry, but making their website affordable is just about as equally important. But, by having a great relationship, everything else will typically fall into place quite easily. Whether you need to work out a monthly or weekly payment arrangement, or make different considerations. You may need to play with various payment structures, such as 50% down, and 50% upon project completion. Or, 5 separate payments of 20%. You could give your client 6 months or more to pay off their custom website. Whatever you do, you'll want to be as honest and as straight-forward as possible when dealing with the financial aspect of the project. Even though prices and timelines may change as changes happen in the scope of the project, you'll want to let your client know about any changes in the price of the custom website design as soon as possible. There's nothing worse than receiving an unexpected bill. But again, custom website work does take time, and time is money. However, even if unexpected charges come up, you can still work with your client to make it affordable. As previously mentioned, you can work out a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly payment arrangement. If your client is truly happy and satisfied with the final product, they are likely to own the final price tag and satisfy it as quickly as possible. Work with your client, and they will work with you.

In conclusion, custom website design can be very affordable. On the other hand, it can be very expensive. It'll all depend on the client's budget and expectations. However, by making a custom website worth its custom price tag, and by working with your client to make it affordable, this ensures a win-win outcome on both ends of the playing field.

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Custom Web Application Development: How Personalized Are You?

In the wake of the mobile revolution, businesses have found that using mobile applications is the best way to improve communications and get improved performance from employees. The overall performance of companies has gone up in the recent past due to the use of enterprise solutions based on desktop solutions. Yes, just as you may have though that mobile applications are crucial to a business success, let us remind you that although mobile applications designed to share enterprise information are sure to help your company perform well, their desktop version stay important to the overall running of your business.

Did you know that customized web application development is a form of expertise that has come under high demand these days? Well, if this surprises you to any extent, then it is time you took desktop applications a little more seriously. Remember, market research has shown that the use of custom web applications across desktop platforms has often led to successful project completions, even when the chances of them being successful were remote. In fact, this is exactly the reason why custom web application development services have come under intense demand from the business world.

Personalization Really Helps

From desktop applications to web based marketing solutions, professional involved in web development are being required to cater to the personalization demands of clients. And why would it not be so? Personalization reinstates the brand image of a company and gives a distinct definition to the application. If you are stuck trying to wonder as to why personalization is needed in internal applications, then well, here is an eye-opener. Personalization of web applications meant to be used intrinsic to the company has been found to improve the focus at work in most cases.

Yes, the employees using custom web applications stay focused on the mission of the company. Unique brand elements of the company incorporated in the applications remind the employees of the main goal the company is working towards. This makes them work towards achieving the goal and not divert from the goals of the project they are working in. In addition to the increased focus, the levels of communication can be optimized using these solutions. This is because messages and communication from key office bearers are recognized and highlighted in the applications, thereby, increasing the level of focus in the team.

Remember, custom web applications are the lifeline of intrinsic business processes today. Therefore, make you sure you give your business the upper hand in performance and inter- networking. The high speed performance of these solutions power not just internal processes, but also smoothen the process of information exchange with clients and outside businesses, whenever the need arises.

Using Boonex Dolphin Software for Social Media Website Development Solutions   Customizing Websites Made Possible Only By WordPress Development   Using Content Management System for Business Growth   How Can I Make My Own Website Quickly?   Have You Been Using Rich Internet Applications Development Services?   

Three Steps in Starting an Online Business

How To Start an Online Business

Starting an online business is as easy as 1-2-3. The first step is to find a web host, the second step is to find a web administrator, and the third step is to prepare photos and text for your business.

It sounds easy right? With the rise of competitive web developers in the World Wide Web market, you can spot the best one, offering services at a lower price. The technique is to shop wisely and review feedbacks. Let's start with the process...

First Step: Find a Web host

In starting your online business, you need a registrar to enlist your business name in the World Wide Web. It is like going to government to acquire business permit. Your business name and also address in the internet is called the "domain". Your "domain registrar" is your key to have a unique identity in the internet. Some of the best domain registrars are: GoDaddy, Fatcow, and iPage. These three gained their reputation in providing reliable database recovery, support, and SQL databases. You may shop for other web hosts in the internet. Just remember to check the following essential tools you will need: unlimited bandwidth, hosting support, disk space, sub domains, and email accounts.

Second Step: Find a Web administrator

After having a web host and a domain name, you are now faced with the need to build your website. Unless you are proficient in using applications such as cPanel, Plesk, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; you may need a professional to help you in developing your site. You may search for one in the internet or ask friends around. More likely, your web host also offers web development and administration services; you may be interested in having them serve you in one package.

Third Step: Prepare Images and Text of your Business

Because you now have an administrator, he or she will ask you for your business' actual photos and content. Make sure to compile them and prepare description for your products and services. If you do not have time to write all the text for your business, you may ask them if they can add content service in the package. They will hire a content writer for your account and will take charge of all the word-related tasks. Charges vary depending on the web host you've chosen.

After your web host completes the domain registration, web development and administration, as well as the content process; your website is ready for launch. You may need to have your phone standby and fix PayPal and UPS partnership. Remember to keep commitments with your customers to gain good reputation in the e-business realm.

To help you find a web host and developer, visit You may also send queries to A friendly representative will accommodate your concerns instantly.

Using Boonex Dolphin Software for Social Media Website Development Solutions   Customizing Websites Made Possible Only By WordPress Development   Using Content Management System for Business Growth   How Can I Make My Own Website Quickly?   Hire Drupal Developers for Custom Drupal Business Solutions   WordPress - Is It Really Popular?   

The Benefits Of WordPress Website Development For Companies To Thrive In The Online Market

Businesses are on the lookout for viable ways to market their products and reach out to wider pool of potential consumers. As if the opportunities offered by the advent of the Internet are not enough, companies are still milking available online resources to gain a competitive advantage. Fortunately, the World Wide Web never runs out of features that can be enjoyed and seized by fledgling entrepreneurs.

WordPress development, for one, may just be the easiest and most economic way for companies to thrive in the online market.

Using WordPress for the development of website is one of the highly recommended methods of experts. With the long list of advantage that can be gained after availing the services of a WordPress developer, this should not come as a surprise.

Low Cost Ticket to Online Presence and Accessibility

There are loads of ways to make the online business available to the consumers. But nothing comes close to the convenience offered by using WordPress. It provides an opportunity to companies to establish a customized website with stunning themes. The availability of pre-set designs alleviates the difficulty of layout, design, and coding. At the same time, it saves a large portion of the allocated budget that is supposed to be spent on advertising and hiring specialists from web designing firms.

Using WordPress also allows a more efficient content management both for navigation and optimization purposes. As such, it contributes greatly to the acquisition of traffic and high ranks on search engines.

More Control over the Website

WordPress is not rocket science. Even non-tech junkies can therefore operate the site through the user-friendly software. As long as the individuals are well-rounded in Facebook and Microsoft Word, they won't encounter major glitches in creating websites via WordPress. Much more, the growing number of users motivated the administrators to make the uploading of images, videos and texts more straightforward than ever before.

This gives the users more power to operate the site according to their will. Their visions are no longer hampered by the complex processes required by conventional methods of web development.

One of the most notable breakthroughs in WordPress development is its accessibility to smart phones and tablets. As long as these devices are connected to the Internet, developers can update the content regardless of their location.

Easier Enhancements and Maintenance

Thousands of plug-ins are available to be used by users - mostly for free. These arrays of features can enhance the functionality of the website, and allow websites visitors to enjoy several contact forms including social media networks. There are also options available for the streaming of videos and faster sharing of media files.

Needless to say, WordPress is remarkable for providing resources and tools needed to create a powerful website. Being an open source platform, users would find it a breeze to modify the site and design their hubs on a whim. This allows them to be on a head-to-head competition with colossal companies who has been in the online market for quite a while. With their energy diverted from web development to marketing strategies (with the convenience of WordPress), they are sure to hit the business bull's eye.

Using Boonex Dolphin Software for Social Media Website Development Solutions   Customizing Websites Made Possible Only By WordPress Development   Using Content Management System for Business Growth   How Can I Make My Own Website Quickly?   

The Easiest Online Document Sharing Available

Computers, the internet and the tremendous variety of electronic devices that can be connected to them have multiplied exponentially over the past decade. In order to utilize this technology to its greatest potential, you need a document management solution that is easy to access, secure and can handle any workload from anywhere in the world at any time. Such a system exists today thanks to the versatility of the Cloud. Cloud document management systems can be customized for any type of business or organization without needing IT departments or personnel on staff.

• Law Offices • Insurance Agencies • Healthcare Offices and Institutions • Retail Business Establishments • Real Estate Companies • Government and Municipal Offices

These businesses as well as many others can benefit from the efficiency of Cloud document management. With an office manager or system administrator, the entire office can be adapted to the new system. This set up will take into consideration the types of data and files that are frequently used as well as the existing office procedures. The system administrator has the ability to assign levels of access to the system so only those files necessary for a particular job can be obtained and worked on by that employee. Files can be designated as 'read only' and certain administrators or department heads can be assigned as the only ones able to access what is needed by specific staff members. Password protection and a monitoring system that logs in all access to the files add extra protection. For uploading to the Cloud, files are encrypted at a security level acceptable for bank data and HIPAA regulations.

With such ease of access, online file sharing can be a regular activity between people in different places. There is no need to have everyone sit in at a meeting with live voice chat and static discussion threads available on any computer, laptop, i-device or smart phone. With a free pdf editor, files can be edited, reports created and large files of information sent to any one individual or distribution lists at one time. Secure file links can be sent to users to securely access confidential data. Files or folders can be used for website content and calendars and tasks can be viewed to allow for smooth project management.

Whatever your particular needs, access to the versatility of the Cloud enables you and all the people you need to connect with to have all pertinent information at your fingertips any time of the day or night, anywhere in the world.

Using Boonex Dolphin Software for Social Media Website Development Solutions   Customizing Websites Made Possible Only By WordPress Development   Using Content Management System for Business Growth   How Can I Make My Own Website Quickly?   

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